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31 October 1926 Magician and mysteriarch Harry Houdini dies.

1929 Father is born in Buenos Aires—grows up only child and goes on to father seven children.

1944 Mother is born—daughter to a soldier and a craft artist who passed on her skills to all the women in her family.





1971 Born in Santiago, a place she would never call home.

1978 Cannot speak English but her teacher sings to the tune of 'Don't Cry for me Argentina'

Moves to Buenos Aires, then Auckland, then Buenos, then Auckland.




1990s Emphasis on personal narrative to expand the meaning of autoethnography 'lets you use yourself to get to culture'. 

1994 Fifty years since Jorge Luis Borges publishes Funes de Memorius.

16 November 2010 Billy Joel appears on The Howard Stern Show and reveals that his son 'Vienna' is about dealing with his feelings about his father.

25 November 2020 Short of breath, Diego Maradona dies. He was a Scorpio.
His heart weighted 500 grams.


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